This movie is really great and realistic, nice cinematography, nice story. This movie is about saving her daughter that has been kidnapped wherein the girls are spending their vacation, Paris. Liam Neeson as Brian who is retired government agent and a very protective to his daughter Kim. Kim is very excited to go in Paris with her friend Amanda. When they got into Paris theres a man called Peter who shows some kindness to them, without knowing that they are in danger. The guy took them where they are headed.
When they got into their room... in just a few minutes, what follows is a very fast, furious and time-limited hunt for the kidnappers who took his daughter and her friend. Brian is bereft at the thought that Kim has been kidnapped, knowing exactly what will happen to her if he does not find her but swings back into action with all the technical gadgets and martial arts moves to make you amazed.
Watch the trailer here
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Very nice movie to enjoy...
This is Awesome movie. Thank you for post this.
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